Protecting Clients’ Rights During Coronavirus

The number of people infected by the Coronavirus continues to grow and most States, like Georgia, are extending their Shelter in Place guidelines.  These extended quarantine measures, while clearly necessary to curb the spread and devastation caused by the transmission of Coronavirus, are having increased economic repercussions.  Some businesses have been forced to close, while others have been forced to adopt new policies to continue.  Luckily, here at The Kirbo Law Firm, we have been able to follow the latter path so that we can still provide services to our clients, both old and new.


On March 14, 2020, the Honorable Harold D. Melton, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Georgia, declared a Statewide Judicial Emergency in the State of Georgia.  The effect of this order, which can be found here, tolls the statute of limitations for most types of cases until April 13, 2020.  However, that does not mean cases cannot still prosecuted during this time.


In order to protect our clients, we have continued to work their cases, but we have implemented certain safety procedures to protect our clients, our community, and our staff.  For example, we are limiting personal meetings to only extreme or emergency situations, we maintain social distancing in those rare occasions, and we are able to work from home as necessary.


During this time, we continue to call insurance companies about our client’s claims, we are drafting motions and pleadings in pending litigations, and we are organizing files, and exhibits so that when the courts get back up and running, we will be ready to go.


If you have any legal questions or concerns that you would like to discuss with any of our Moultrie Lawyers, please contact us.